The field of human services is broadly about helping people with their problems. It’s an interdisciplinary industry that includes occupations like nurses, certified counselors, social workers, and disaster relief workers.
We willgo into five key roles in the human services field and provide insight into the industry as a whole. Read on for more information!
Is a career in human services right for you?
Some people have a natural disposition for reaching out and helping others. They are full of empathy and compassion for their fellow members of society. They gladly work with communities and individuals in government, non-profit, or hospital sectors. These are the kinds of people best suited for this profession. The work you'll do in this field is incredibly rewarding, because you can see the difference you are making in the world firsthand.
Top 5 careers in human services
1. Rehabilitation Specialist -
Rehabilitation specialists help people bounce back after going through trauma or an accident.They support people physically, mentally, and emotionally, and help them regain their independence & normalcy.
This role includes:
2. Grief Counselor
A grief counselor works with a hospital to help patients recover from personal losses, such as the loss of a loved one.
Responsibilities of a grief counselor include:
3. Healthcare Social Worker
Healthcare social workers are sometimes known as medical social workers. They guidepatients and their families through the journey from treatment to recovery.
Key responsibilities include:
Like most healthcare professionals, to become a clinical social worker, you need a license.
4. School counselor
Guidancecounselling is one of the highest paying jobs in the field. Such a counselor works at an educational institute, such as an elementary school,middle school, high school, or college. They helpstudents with their academic or behavioral problems.
Key responsibilities include:
You can start your career as a school or educational counselor with a bachelor's degree in psychology or social sciences. From there, you can earn a master's degree and work with an institute.
Picking up an area of specialization is crucial at that stage. You can choose which educational level you want to assist, as well as which conditions or issues you specialize in dealing with.
5. Family/Marriage Counselor
A family or marriage counselor works with a family or couple toassist with their mental, emotional, and behavioral problems.They may help a family improve their relationships or their social involvements. Other times, they may help counsel a family through a divorce or other period of instability.
As a family counselor, your general responsibilities will include:
To become a marriage or a family counselor, you need a thorough knowledge of the stages of human development, family dynamics, relationships, and marriage. There are specialized graduate and post-graduate programs for this field as well.
Educational requirements for a career in Human Services: -
To succeed in this field, you need to complete the necessary educational training. You can start a career in human services by earning a bachelor’s degree in social sciences, psychology, nursing, etc. You can choose an area of specialization such as school counselor or social worker as you opt for a master’s degree. Almost all jobs in the human services require licensure before you can start practicing. Also, you will need experience providingclinical training, and working one-on-one with the clients you will work with.
Professionals in human services are also trained for administrative roles.
Thus, to have a successful career in human services, you must have a thorough understanding of human psychology, overall human development, nutrition, as well as organizational skills like team management and leadership.
In a nutshell…
As you can see, there is a lot of variety in the human services industry. You can help people maintain a sense of normalcy in their life during and after a difficult treatment. Other times, you counsel them & provide resources of support. No matter what your occupation, a career in the human services sector is incredibly rewarding.
The most important skills you’ll need to have a successful career in the human services is empathy and a desire to help those in need.